It is worth noting that two new, modern production sites have been launched on the territory of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute. The first is the “Scientific and Practical Centre for Alternative Energy”, where solar panels are produced. The second training site – “Jizzakh Youth Technopark” – creates a wider opportunity for students of the institute to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the learning process.

It should be said that the launch of the “Scientific and Practical Centre for Alternative Energy” at the institute was one of the big steps in the study of energy problems, the practical direction of work in this area, the popularisation of alternative energy and energy conservation. In particular, this centre, which combines both education and production in its name, opens the way for the training of qualified personnel in this field. This serves to further increase the level of localization of production of alternative energy sources devices in our country.

Another gratifying moment is that the centre’s staff and the teaching staff of the Institute’s Energy Department won a grandiose project within the framework of the capacity-building program of the European Union Foundation “ERASMUS+”. The implementation period for this project “Development of a targeted curriculum for undergraduates in solar energy in Uzbekistan” is planned for 2024-2026, and the creation of educational and scientific laboratory programs of a new format has also been established.

A similar atmosphere has been created in the Jizzakh Youth Technopark, which began work at the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute. An educational, research and production zone of a new format, putting youth ideas into practice, acceleration centres, virtual laboratories, engineering education courses are equipped with the most modern technologies. In the technology park, young people will be able to master the most modern professions and start working.

Students of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute have the opportunity to do internships not only in the building of the higher educational institution, but also at various enterprises in the region. For this purpose, the institute has signed various cooperation agreements and contracts. One of them is the Jizzakh Free Economic Zone. At the same time, this zone plays a big role in the development of industry in the Jizzakh region.

Sanobar Eshbekova,
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual
and Educational Affairs