OCA Magazine: Tell us, please, about yourself and your creative activity / work
Anna Harrington-Morozova: I have been drawing and writing poems since I was a teenager. I did not consider choosing a creative profession, thinking that I did not have much to say to others at the time. I loved maths and science and I wanted my profession to offer an equal path for a female. I studied nursing and pharmacy in the Moscow Sechenov Medical Academy. My love for maths brought me to the field of mathematical modelling in pharmacology. For over 30 years I worked developing and introducing new medicines to markets. Towards the end of my career, I headed Regulatory and External Relations functions in pharmaceutical and clinical research companies.

Since 2010 my work had a focus in the Eurasian region. I helped international businesses to enter local markets, and helped Eurasian companies with their innovative projects. In 2013 I trained the Kazakh Ministry of Health in international regulations. In 2016-2018 I read lectures on drug development in Skolkovo. I read the post graduate course in London on biomedical regulations in Eurasian region, which I developed in 2011. This course is now run for over 13 years as part of Continuing Professional Development programmes of two key UK providers of post-graduate education – PTI and Management Forum. Hundreds of young professionals were able to build regional Eurasian expertise.

Involvement with innovations ignited my interest in futurology. I joined the London Futurists group over a decade ago. In this area my interest lies in analysis of accumulation of systemic methodological errors in knowledge gathering, which is causing more disturbance as the social processes accelerate due to new technologies.

After retiring, I was keen to work in voluntary field. In 2014 my husband and I started a non-profit enterprise ( offering access to aquatic therapy and disability swimming to our local community.

Only after turning 60 I looked again at my poems and drawing, the drafts of my science fiction novels and my futurology research, thinking – this is a right time to publish them.

For over 16 years I have been happily married to an Englishman. Our cultural differences are enriching us both. With so many plans ahead, I enjoy inspiring others for active, creative, healthy and happy life beyond traditional age expectations.

OCA: What is your main achievement in 2023-2024?
AHM: 2023-2024 are remarkable years in my life. In 2023 I joined ECG and the British Poetry Society. I am very proud to became a finalist of the Poet of the Year 2023 Competition run by the Russian Writers Society. (My poetry is published under pen-name Anette Mor – ). In 2023 my husband and I celebrated 15 happy years together. Our joint non-profit hydrotherapy enterprise celebrated 10th anniversary in April 2024. Hundreds of local patients received access to warm water therapy and many disabled children learned to swim and with our help.

OCA: What is the main feature that makes you and your art/work unique?
AHM: When I started writing and drawing it was important to me to have something special and unique to say to the world. This urge to learn more about life sent me on a long journey of observing and thinking over, meeting people, travelling and doing life science research. Today, when we all face very difficult times, I am glad to offer a bright positive attitude towards the future. Life appeared to be a lot longer and fuller than I was told when young. Longevity first of all is an attitude. Being part of futurist discussions in last decade helps me to see the positive side of innovations, notice the trends which foster the best in human nature, the opportunities new technologies offer connecting people and giving them voices. I love being a bridge between cultures not just in international projects at work but also in my personal life. I can attest that mutual understanding got a lot better over the last few decades. But we are right to expect a lot more in this field and there is so much still to be done. That is why projects like ECG are so important.

OCA: Tell us, please, about the events or projects of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and projects that you have already taken part in and how does ECG influence your creativity and success in your work?
AHM: My two short stories in Russian were published in “Thread” N7 by ECG in 2023. My poetry in English and my translation to English of Boris Ryzhij poetry will be part of 2024 edition of Voices of Friends. This year Boris Ryzhij would celebrate his 50th birthday. I hope to present more of my translations of his poetry in English in ECG events this year. My Russian poetry entered ECG Poetry competition for 2024 and my drawings will be presented in ECG Art Catalogue during Annual ECG Festival in Kazakhstan in September 2024. I am arranging printing of my first poetry book. My non-fiction book on futurology and two science fiction novels are in the pipeline.
OCA: What would you wish for the members of the Guild and other creative people, just starting their career?
AHM: I wish creative people of all ages to be honest and brave. Creative work opens hearts and links people on a different level. There is a growing need to find new ways to reflect the modern world and to build bridges between its different parts. Be proud to be part of this hard and important work.