Raim Hakimovich Farkhadi was born on 16 May 1942 in Samarkand (Uzbek SSR, now Uzbekistan). Died on 4 April 2024 (Tashkent, Uzbekistan). Raim Farkhadi was a poet, novelist, playwright, journalist, translator and children’s author. Member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan. Honoured Worker of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Commander of the Order “Dustlik”, Laureate of the “Community Treasure Award” of the Dr. Joseph Shalinsky Foundation, member of the Creative Association of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, editor-in-chief of the ecological magazine “Bulokcha” (“Rodnik”), editor-in-chief of the online almanac “Slovo”.

Since 2017 – member of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London). Raim Hakimovich Farkhadi is the author of more than 50 books of poems, essays, stories, works for children, published in many languages of the world. His works are included in the curricula of schools and higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan. Farkhadi, a doctor by training, graduated from the Samarkand Medical Institute (1965) and became a student at the Maxim Gorky Literary Institute, graduating in 1971. At the age of 5-6, the future famous poet began to rhyme words. The young author was published in newspapers and magazines.

In 1964, his first small book, ‘Morning Song’, was published. Then came the books ‘Ant Underground’, ‘Fantasist’, ‘Gardens of Winds’, ‘Frescoes’, ‘Afrasiaba’, ‘Pharmacy House’, ‘Be Brave, Chernoukh’, ‘Sunshine, Shine’. His passion for poetry and literature in general became his vocation for life. In various years Raim Hakimovich Farkhadi worked for the magazine “Star of the East”, the newspaper “Narodnoe slovo”, and was deputy editor-in-chief of the G. Gulyam Publishing House of Literature and Art. Recently, he headed the Council of Russian Literature under the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan. Raim Hakimovich Farkhadi was also active in the field of education. He translated the ghazals of A. Navoi and Babur.

One of the areas of Farhadi’s literary activity was the translation into Russian of children’s poems by his Uzbek contemporaries, such as Normurod Narzullaev and Jumaniyaz Jabbarov.
The classic of Uzbek children’s literature said of himself I do not really consider myself a children’s poet, because I also write poems for adults. But it just so happens that this particular facet of my creativity is the most active. And young readers are a very grateful audience.

Having become a member of the Eurasian Creative Guild in 2017, Raim Hakimovich submits his poems for children to the ECG poetry competition ‘Voice of friends’. The poet’s poetic world is characterised by the richness of metaphors and the expressiveness of language. Victory in this competition brought him a grant for the publication of the author’s children’s poetry book “Island of Poems” in the UK by Hertfordshire Press. The poems of the famous Uzbek writer were translated into English and published in London. The twelve sections of the book resemble the time cycles of people, both familiar and unfamiliar to me, who live in Eurasia and other continents. Measuring minutes, days, years, one suddenly finds the magical twenty-fifth hour of inspiration and creativity. In the reflections on peace, harmony and love offered to the reader, I am painfully aware of how difficult and dramatic the relationship between man and nature can sometimes be. Before and after the fall of the leaves, texts, ballads and song lyrics are born in the land of roots, SOS signals are sounded, picked up by the sensitive ear of those who walk the ecological path.

But away with despondency, and I say: ‘See you later’, addressed to all living beings. – Raim Farkhadi left us such an appeal in his book ‘Island of Poems’. Raim Hakimovich Farkhadi was awarded the diploma of the International Association of Generals at the VI Open Eurasian Literature Festival & Book Forum -2017. This was an expression of deep respect for the work of the great writer and his influence on world literature. R.H. Farkhadi’s works have their relevance and significance in the education of love for the homeland, the surrounding nature and all living beings.

His creative heritage, expressed in his sincerity and kindness, is an integral part of Uzbek literature. His works are included in teaching aids and textbooks for school children.

The author of works for children attached great importance to the environmental education of the younger generation. As a poet and public figure, he has done much to promote the development of literature and the birth of the children’s environmental movement in Uzbekistan. Since July 2010, Raim Khakimovich has been editor-in-chief of the environmental magazine Bulokcha (Spring). The magazine is published in two languages: Uzbek and Russian, with a print run of 8,000-10,000 copies!

Throughout his creative life, Mr Farkhadi has interacted with children of all ages. He held memorable meetings with schoolchildren and read his fascinating works to them. He attended open classes dedicated to ecological culture. In addition to poetry, R. Farkhadi painted pictures with natural colours. He used pigments from flowers and herbs that he collected himself. This was ecological painting or ‘ecography’. Raim Hakimovich Farhadi was awarded the medal of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan in recognition of his merits in the development and popularisation of the fine plastic arts.

The repertoire of the Uzbek National Puppet Theatre includes performances based on the works of R. Farkhadi. For the youngest puppet theatre lovers there is a performance called “Bull – sharp horns”. He called himself ‘the gardener of the word’ and sincerely believed that when children grow up, they will be able to save the world around them. Make it better, because ‘they understand and feel more than adults’. I am sure that each new generation of readers will be grateful to Raim Hakimovich for the creative legacy that the poet of a generous soul has left them.

by Elena Makarova