Interview with Olga Shpakovich

OCA Magazine: Tell us, please, about yourself and your creative activity / work.
Olga Shpakovich: I live in St. Petersburg, I am a member of the St. Petersburg Writers’ Union and the Eurasian Creative Guild (London). I write prose. The first publication was in 1992. During this time, 7 books have been published, and many short stories have been published in literary magazines. Several short feature films have been shot based on my scripts. I have been working in television for more than 10 years. In addition to my creative activities, I am the director of the Mir Foundation, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the newspaper Na Nashe Vzglyad, which covers acute social problems and cultural news.

OCA: How did you choose your path and who is your role model in the creative space or life?
OS: I had no choice in the path – I already knew as a child that I would be a writer. An example for me is the writer, screenwriter Yuri Olesha, whose motto is “Not a day without a line!”

OCA: What is your main achievement in 2023-2024?
OS: My historical novel “Apocalypse: Prologue” took the II place in the International competition “The Best book of the year 2023”. And the novel “Black PR” is the III place in the International competition XII Open Eurasia. Super Cup.

OCA: What is the main feature that makes you and your art/work unique?
OS: Dostoevsky said, “Life is richer than any fantasy.” My turbulent life, amazing events and adventures that I have experienced and reflected in my works are unique and of particular interest, since everything described has been experienced by me personally.

OCA: Tell us, please, about the events or projects of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and projects that you have already taken part in and how does ECG influence your creativity and success in your work?
OS: In September 2023, I visited the Voices of Friends Festival in Borovoye (Kazakhstan). These were magical days filled with creative communication with like-minded people, against the background of magical nature. The main thing I gained at the Festival was friends from all over the world. ECG (London) inspired me to create new works and joint projects.

OCA: What is your motivation and the main aim of your creativity?
OS: Life itself inspires me to be creative. My purpose is to improve my skills and bring benefit, joy to people with my works, maybe give answers to some of their questions.

OCA: What would you wish for the members of the Guild and other creative people, just starting their career?

OS: For creative people who are just starting their journey, I would like not to turn away from this path, but also to experience the joy of the creative process itself. Because the main thing is not achievements, but the pleasure that creativity brings. You will see: if creativity brings joy to you, it will bring joy to others, then there will be recognition. And I want to wish the members of our Guild inspiration, insights and victories!