OCA Magazine: Please tell us about yourself and your creative work.
Margo Gamburgskaya:
I was born and grew up in Tashkent, in my childhood, like all children, I just loved to draw and redraw, but looking at my parents, and they are my policemen, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer and investigating important criminal cases.

Now I am a mother of 3 children and the owner of an art studio.

Of course, at school everyone promised me that I would become an artist. My aunt, my father’s sister, who was a leading costume designer at the Uzbek Film Studio, taught me to draw.

I fell in love with art so much that now I cannot imagine my life without it. And everything I do is just art. I adore epoxy resin and the direction of resin art.

In 2022 I opened the first epoxy resin school in Uzbekistan and we have already trained more than 500 students from Uzbekistan and neighbouring countries – Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

The studio covers all areas of art, including pottery. I also run large art events, which can involve up to 1000 children and adults at a time.

OCA: How did you choose your path and who is your role model in the creative space or life?
MG: At the age of 16, my drawings (portraits of my favourite artists and music bands) were noticed by my friend’s father, an artist, who took me to his friend’s studio, so I got and became a student of a famous artist, Honoured Artist of Uzbekistan and member of the Academy of Arts – Zhdurat Rakhmani. I graduated from the Architectural University, worked for 5 years as a designer in advertising, own all computer programs for 2D and 3D creation. In 2015 I became a mother for the first time and in 2016 I opened my own art studio “Mig of Creativity”, MIG are my initials – Margarita Igorevna Gamburgskaya.

Of course, there were many famous teachers, sculptors and architects at my university, but the great merit in my journey lies in the hands of Jurat Rahmani, to whom I am eternally grateful for his faith in me and my abilities.

OCA: What is your main achievement in 2023-2024?
MG: My greatest achievement is organising mass masterclasses for large companies. It has brought me recognition and helped me to become number 1 among Tashkent studios in attracting interest and creating such interesting events as: art buildings, art girls’ parties, art breakfasts. My author’s projects help young and beginning artists to find themselves and set an example.

I also became a participant of the project X-Factor, Uzbekistan got talent, showed a new level of sand show, where I draw to the music on the light table love stories, stories of company creation and various projects, again at large conferences and meetings, at the UNESCO meeting in Samarkand with the help of sand show I revealed the problems of drainage of the Central Asian region.

And family – family is my greatest achievement and my greatest love.

OCA: What is the main feature that makes you and your art/work unique?
MG: As I have already said – it is the ability to unite hundreds of people in one direction, in creativity. When guests come to my events, they immediately say that they don’t know how to do anything, that they’ve never painted or modelled or cast epoxy resin. They’re scared. And then they realise that my team of professionals explain everything so competently and easily that they end up with masterpieces and are simply delighted. Last year, 500 employees of a large Republican company worked with us to create a single painting on 20 canvases, and the result was amazing.

OCA: Tell us, please, about the events or projects of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and projects that you have already taken part in and how does ECG influence your creativity and success in your work?
MG: Marat Akhmedjanov and Taina Kaunis completely changed my opinion of my work. I didn’t even think that my work could be noticed in such a status guild, so I offered to join it. This is a great honour for me and the next step in my development, every time ECG visits our country I try to be helpful, offer the studio as a meeting place and hold workshops for guests and members.

OCA: What is your motivation and the main aim of your creativity?
MG: Motivation is my whole way, because life is a constant movement and I always want to go further and get more, I want to show my children that there are no limits and barriers, it doesn’t matter where you live and what you do, the main thing is to always do what you love and you will be rewarded.

OCA: What would you wish for the members of the Guild and other creative people, just starting their career?
MG: Don’t be afraid! Always try to retreat when it is not your own. After all, you should always look only for what is yours. Then you will be truly happy.