OCA Magazine: Tell us, please, about yourself and your creative activity / work.
Rima Ulcina: Oh my God! Your question has taken me back to my childhood, when a sweet four-year-old imaginative girl was involved in oral song creativity from the moment she learned to speak.
I was born into the family of a border guard. My parents died tragically young, full of life, when I was still a child. But life is life, it dictates its own conditions. In December 1990 I returned to Israel with my family, and today I am a famous Israeli writer, novelist, author of mystical, esoteric, fantastic novels, detective novels, novels, short stories. Member of the Union of Russian-speaking Writers of Israel (URWI); International Writers Guild (IWG); International Writers Union (IWU); Writers Union of North America (NWU), member of ECG (London), Person of the Year (2011) in the nomination ‘Literature’ – for the series ‘VISAVI’ with public figures and famous people. Winner of the ‘Golden Pen’ prize (Israel, Ashdod). Full Academic Member of the International Academy of Literature, Art and Communication / LIC (2022). Ambassador of Peace (2922). Participant of the art festival ‘Diamond Duke – Diamond Venetz’ on the World Silk Road of Cultures, for the book-novel ‘Secrets of the Universal Mirror’, and also books ‘Message from Heaven, or Unreal Detective – Fantasy Novel’. Lesson Bitch” – selected stories and novellas (Moscow), 2020. The book was included in the nomination “London Prize represents the writer”.
The author of 200 novels, novellas, short stories, as well as 12 articles on literary criticism ‘At the Colloquium with Academician Grigory Okun. From the writer’s notes. Fugitive Pen’, published in the magazines ‘Science and Life of Israel’ and ‘Russian Literary Echo’.
OCA: How did you choose your path and who is your role model in the creative space or life?
RU: I didn’t choose my path. In Israel I became interested in Gematria – numerology. The science of the language of letters in Jewish tradition, medicine and Kabbalah. Letters translated into numbers tell me how I have lived, what I have experienced and what I have yet to do. What I learned about myself shocked me. I should become a writer. I sat down at the computer. I pressed the keys. I looked at the screen and saw the word ‘mystical’ and immediately added ‘novel’. And it went, it went. It was as if an invisible door had opened in my soul, and out of it, as from a horn of plenty, poured my innermost thoughts – words – onto the screen. That’s how the title of my first book saga ‘Mystic Novel’ appeared, prompted to me by the Almighty.
Mystic, you will say! There has been a lot of mysticism in my life. And I can tell you about it!
OCA: What is your main achievement in 2023-2024?
RU: I consider the publication of my new books of (mystical-esoteric) novels to be my main achievement in recent years:
- ‘Secrets of the Universal Mirror’ (2023).
- The Oath of the Jewish Princess Berenice’ (2024).
- The Hostage of Karma and the Mystic Oval.
Twenty-first Century Writers Series, LIC Academy.
OCA: What is the main feature that makes you and your art/work unique?
RU: The plot, the mysteries of an unknown but real world and beyond, hidden from people. Who controls it all? Rockily, the Universal Mind and its mirror, intergalactic – planetary-underwater wars of Nebozhiteles with ‘Black Forces of the Universe’ – underwater hell. Anomalous Zones of the Earth, the Great Cosmos, artificial planets and of course Love – terrestrial, cosmic and at the bottom of the ocean.
OCA: Tell us, please, about the events or projects of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and projects that you have already taken part in and how does ECG influence your creativity and success in your work?
RU: Eurasian Creative Guild is a new big family for me, which gives me the opportunity to improve in creativity and opens the way to new successes. I participated in the short prose contest:
The short story ‘Because You’re Not My Mum’, 2022
Humorous short story ‘A Gift for a Favourite Spouse’, 2023
I hope to take part in the 2024-2025 projects as well.
OCA: What is your motivation and the main aim of your creativity?
RU: A day without work is a wasted day. In my works I try to convey the images of real people – you and me.
OCA: What would you wish for the members of the Guild and other creative people, just starting their career?
RU: Not to think you are brilliant. That’s a straight road to nowhere. Talent should be recognised by readers and your job is to write.