OCA Magazine: Tell us, please, about yourself and your creative activity / work.
Roza Red:
Greetings friends! My name is Rozalia aka Roza Red, I’m an artist, art critic, writer, lawyer, economist. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of IHF, International Art Fund, Eurasian Art Union-EURASIAN ERT UNUN, Union of Abstractionists of Russia, Member of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London), Academician of the International Academy of Russian Literature. My paintings are exhibited in galleries in Russia and abroad. In Cyprus GOPELOZE FAMILU Art Museum. In Holland, in the USA g. Miami, Oregon, in Italy, in China. Magazine Russian Gallery 21 century in 2019 published an illustration of my paintings and an article about my work. Annually publishes my artworks in the catalogue Art of Russia since 2016. And also published catalogues in Italy, Holland, Cyprus, London, where my exhibitions were held.

OCA: How did you choose your path and who is your role model in the creative space or life?
RR: I started painting after travelling to the mountains on an expedition to explore the Milky Way. My teacher is the Creator God, his infinite beauty and wisdom has fascinated me since childhood and my goal was to know the truth.

OCA: What is your main achievement in 2023-2024?
RR: My main achievement for 2023-2024 was the Guild Exhibitions. I presented a video clip of Roza Red Gallery. In 2024 I was accepted by the Professional Union of Artists of Russia. And also “The Great Steppe Treasury” Art Catalogue by ECG (London), where my paintings were presented (series “Apple of love, Apple of discord”).

OCA: What is the main feature that makes you and your art/work unique?
RR: My paintings became unique and valuable when the Russian Gallery of the 21st Century bought four of my paintings and wrote an article about my art in the magazine. When your paintings find their owners, they become valuable.

This is the value and the feeling of joy fills the buyer and the creator – me.

OCA: Tell us, please, about the events or projects of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and projects that you have already taken part in and how does ECG influence your creativity and success in your work?
RR: This is a unique opportunity to show and tell the world about your creativity.
Participation gives you the opportunity to expand the circle of admirers of your creativity. The Guild is a big family, creative talented people in different fields, and we as a family complement each other with happiness, joy and of course ideas – ideas are born in this cosy warm atmosphere because we complement each other.

OCA: What is your motivation and the main aim of your creativity?
RR: Motivation is when you get an idea, then a plan, and then you can’t stop until you’ve finished the painting because the current of the Creator is running through you. Sometimes it manifests itself as music of the soul, sometimes in silence with something elusive and beautiful.

I love the mountains very much, after them I want to write, dance, delight and joy fill my soul.

OCA: What would you wish for the members of the Guild and other creative people, just starting their career?
RR: The more exhibitions the better. I have over 300 exhibitions. And solo shows are very important. And communicate to find the environment of artists and take the experience of knowledge, and accept criticism, always learn something new for yourself in creativity, and share your experience. Everyone is a genius. To be with nature, to merge with the beauty of nature. I’m inspired by the mountains.