OCA Magazine: Tell us, please, about yourself and your creative activity / work
Nazym Saparova: I was fond of reading from early childhood. I especially loved fairy tales of the peoples of the world. I wrote my first fairy tale at the age of 10. As I got older, I started writing stories. These were novelettes describing my inner and surrounding world. My father was a writer and journalist, so he always approved of the activity, which gradually turned into a hobby. After graduating from the university with a degree in journalism, I worked in the media for many years, going from an ordinary paper’s staffer to the chief editor. Later, I went to work for a company, where I retrained as a PR specialist, devoting another 15 years of my life to this occupation. But I never gave up my pen, I gave preference to short stories and novelettes. Many of them, unfortunately, did not survive, the rest I collected in a book that was published in 2017 in London, with the assistance of the Eurasian Creative Guild. The book is interesting because the heroes of my stories were real people, not fictional. That is why it is called “True Stories”. The book includes 3 chapters. One of them is stories about famous people in Kazakhstan, talented and special by the fact that they have received recognition during their lifetime. The other is stories about my family members, or people I knew personally. And the final one is philosophical reflections on a variety of topics that become sharp and significant in the life of any person, that they received recognition during their lifetime.
OCA: How did you choose your path and who is your role model in the creative space or life? How did you choose your path and who is your example/teacher?
NS: I became a writer on my father’s advice, who was for me not only the most dear and beloved person. He was also my teacher and mentor. Noticing my contemplation and love for fantasy, he asked me to make up stories on pictures from books when I was only 4 years old. He was devoting a lot of his time to me, and encouraging a children’s imagination in every possible way, he practically grew a writer out of me. My father, Samar Baizhanov, was an excellent journalist, his favourite genre was an essay – a genre that contains elements of a story. For many years he headed the most important newspaper in Kazakhstan. My father wrote not only articles in newspapers, he is the author of 23 books in prose. I am proud of my father, he was an honest and hardworking man. A street and a school bear his name in Almaty.
OCA: What is your main achievement in 2021-2022?
NS: My third book came into existence in 2021. This is a biographical story about the famous theatre and film director of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan Mambetov, who was known for his theatrical performances not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. He staged performances in Moscow, Prague, Shiraz, took performances on tour to Paris and other cities of the world. These performances deservedly entered the treasury of Kazakhstani culture, and were awarded numerous awards. His life story is the story of a man, who thanks to his talent and work, achieved recognition and fame.
OCA: What is the main feature that makes you and your art/work unique?
NS: My main feature is love for literature, history, psychology. The human world is huge and diverse, and this is a goldmine of information that needs to be explored and passed through. All this leads to creativity, the desire to write comes by itself.
OCA: Tell us, please, about the events of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and projects that you have already taken part in and how does ECG influence your creativity and success in your work?
NS: During one of the events of the Eurasian Creative Guild in Almaty, I learned that it is possible to publish a book in London. And I felt it was right. The Guild’s offer to publish a book and distribute it to the whole world through the Guild is a good solution for aspiring writers. The presentation of my book took place in Stockholm, and it was a great time for me, as I not only saw a new country, but also met many creative people from different countries: artists, poets and writers.
OCA: What is your motivation and the main aim of your creativity?
NS: In my opinion, a big motivation is to increase the number of readers of my books, as well as to unite creative people (in the Guild) as like-minded people in a completely new and extraordinary form. We did not notice how we became friends. My goal in life is to be needed by people, and to bring good, maybe even in such a peculiar manner as writing.
OCA: What would you wish for the members of the Guild and other creative people, just starting their careers?
NS: I wish the Guild prosperity, because this union unites creative people in their ranks, whose thoughts are full of beauty, love, peace. I would like to wish creative people, starting their careers, good luck in new projects, work for people, and world peace, not be afraid of difficulties, and always go towards your goal and your dream.