OCA Magazine: Tell us, please, about yourself and your creative activity / work
Elena Titenko: My name is Elena Titenko, I was born in the South of Russia in a family of Kuban Cossacks. I spent all my childhood and youth in a small village on the Black Sea coast. There you can look at the moonlit path and the starry sky endlessly, filled with peace and happiness.
My creative activity began at the Textile Academy. I learned how to turn a two-dimensional drawing into clothes in three-dimensional space. I participated in the competition of young designers “Russian Silhouette” with the “Mermaid” collection. Flowing fabric, and on top is a fishing net made of silver threads with shells woven into it, made by me by hand.
I loved to draw clothes and faces, then I became interested in oil painting.
OCA: How did you choose your path and who is your role model in the creative space or life?
ET: My path was chosen by my heart and a great desire to master oil painting. I took lessons from a talented artist and teacher Igor Sakharov. I like the paintings and technique of Claude Monet. I love to travel and study the architecture of different cities. The Gothic quarter of Barcelona and the masterpieces of the famous Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi, the ancient castles of Spain and Montreux in Switzerland, Monaco, Venice, Thailand with Buddhist temples. All this inspires and leadeth me to creativity.
OCA: What is your main achievement in 2021-2022?
ET: In May 2021, I took part in the exhibition for the holiday of ancient Slavic writing in Bulgaria, the city of Varna, Historical Park. I’ve learned the Slavic initial letter and amulets.
And there was also an exhibition in St. Petersburg dedicated to cosmos, where I showed a collection of paintings “Constellations of the Starry Sky”.
OCA: What is the main feature that makes you and your art/work unique?
ET: In my paintings, I combine the reality of this world and my fantasy. I mix different techniques and create new ones. At the beginning of the journey, I never know what the result will be, because I follow my feelings. Sometimes I conceive an image, take liquid acrylic and pour it onto a canvas, and when I see the result, I am convinced that we create everything around with our thoughts, ideas and desires. My paintings have depth, change depending on the lighting, they cannot be repeated, and this is the main uniqueness and value.
OCA: Tell us, please, about the events of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and projects that you have already taken part in and how does ECG influence your creativity and success in your work?
ET: I participated in the “Illustration” category in the “Open Eurasia” contest and I want to visit one of the festivals of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London). In July 2021, for the first time, I came to a meeting of the Guild, met unique talented people full of bright creative energy, who radiated joy and inspiration. There I found many new friends who are united by creativity. Many thanks to Marat for his activities and the opportunities that he creates for all of us.
OCA: What is your motivation and the main aim of your creativity?
ET: The search for true love is the strongest motivation. My goal is to do what gives me pleasure, fills me with energy and brings aesthetic joy to people. My dream is to paint as many snow-white canvases as possible and plant an olive orchard.
OCA: What would you wish for the members of the Guild and other creative people, just starting their career?
ET: I wish the members of the guild and all creative people to keep the fire in their souls, keep dreaming, fantasise and create new masterpieces for this World.