OCA Magazine: Tell us, please, about yourself and your creative activity / work
Galina Primorskaya: I am Primorskaya Galina (@galinaprimorskaya)
I was born in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. My parents are simple. but talented people.
Mom, Olga Akimovna, a professional cutter and seamstress, the pride of our city. She has been creating exclusive outfits for famous people of our country for many years. And dad, Pavel Vasilyevich Kolmakov, was the best electrician in the city. The profession was his calling.
My brother, Alexander Kolmakov, is now an excellent coach in ski jumping, and participated in sports olympiads.
I had a happy childhood, was fond of swimming, gymnastics, and magic tricks. I have always been an inquisitive, active girl. I have a good three-dimensional vision of objects, so I graduated from a design institute and designed railways. I liked it. Now I work as an accountant in a large company.
Creative energy woke up in me a few years ago. I combine my professional activity with the creative flight and new emotions. My life is filled with bright colours, I am interested in seeing new opportunities and embodying them in my life.
I have traveled a lot in my life. And now I try to often go out into nature and fill up.
I lived in Germany and gave birth to two children there. Now my children have created their own happy families.
My son, Alexander, has a wonderful wife, Milicent, and a daughter, my granddaughter Evochka. Growing up as a singer and artist.
Daughter, Daria Savvina @ darya_savvina_visual . And her wonderful husband Timur, they are raising their son Alexei. My grandson loves building houses and painting.
My grandchildren are 6 years old.
OCA: How did you choose your path and who is your role model in the creative space or life?
GP:I began to reveal my talents in October 2018. I signed up for drawing courses, where I learned how to paint beautiful pictures. I also completed a course in photography. And at the same time engaged in self-development. Another hobby of mine is playing a real drum set.
Of course the teachers are my parents. Watching them, I noted for myself with what love and pleasure they worked.
OCA: What is your main achievement in 2021-2022?
GP: My first exhibition opening day took place in December 2021.
The exhibition was opened by the guest of honour, founder of the Eurasian Creative Guild of London – Marat Akhmedzhanov. The exhibition was held at the highest level!
It was a double holiday for me in my creative life. I became a member of the Eurasian Creative Guild London – this is the best international networking platform.
On March 22, I had a reporting concert. I was a drummer, the song of the Earthlings ensemble “Grass at Home” was performed.It turned out great.
My first interview took place in the big magazine “ChiefAtyrau”
OCA: What is the main feature that makes you and your art/work unique?
GP: At any age, you can start to reveal yourself, I was lucky enough to start everything at the age of 50. The main thing is to have spiritual and physical freedom. Then there are desires to create beauty for yourself and the world.
OCA: Tell us, please, about the events of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and projects that you have already taken part in and how does ECG influence your creativity and success in your work?
GP: I participated in presentations in Almaty. I have been in the Guild for four months.
A big event, the second festival “Voices of friends: poetry and visual arts”, from May 6 to 10 will be held at Rixos Borovoe and ECG Art Residence
There will be a lot of different activities for every taste – painting, poetry, cinema. During the festival, there is a great opportunity to meet new unique people, expand the circle of like-minded people.
OCA: What is your motivation and the main aim of your creativity?
GP: I like to discover amazing abilities in myself. There is a desire to do something new, interesting for yourself. To show an example to people that this is possible, you just need to work and fulfil your desires yourself. No one will do it for you and will not achieve results.
I like to communicate with the younger generation, exchange ideas and energies, and then we begin to understand each other better. Life becomes bright and interesting.
I think this is our main goal – to make people a little happier.
OCA: What would you wish for the members of the Guild and other creative people, just starting their career?
GP: I want to wish you to learn to listen to yourself and fulfil your desires.
Work hard and get respectable results. Always move forward to your victories and achievements.It gives strength and self-confidence.
Enjoy the gifts of the universe. After all, you can get a lot of ideas and opportunities.
Together we are a force! We can make the world happy and beautiful!